HUAWEI-LswINF-MIB: View SNMP OID List / Download MIB


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Object Name OID Type Access Info
     hwifXXTable no-access
Extended Huawei private interface information table.
         hwifXXEntry no-access
Entries of extended Huawei private interface information table.
             hwifUnBoundPort truthvalue read-only
Whether it is the unbound port. (true indicates that the port is the main port of the aggregation or the port does not participate in the aggregation.)
             hwifISPhyPort truthvalue read-only
Whether it is a physical interface.
             hwifAggregatePort truthvalue read-only
Whether it is the aggregated port. (if the port participates in the aggregation, this value is true.)
             hwifMirrorPort truthvalue read-write
Whether it is a mirror port.
             hwifVLANType integer read-write
port vlan types. hybrid (3) port can carry multiple VLANs. If fabric function is supported, fabric(4) means the port is a fabric port. Enumeration: 'access': 2, 'hybrid': 3, 'fabric': 4, 'vLANTrunk': 1.
             hwifMcastControl integer read-write
Broadcast storm suppression with the step length of 1, ranging from 1 to 100 percent. In some products the step is 5, ranging from 5 to 100.
             hwifFlowControl truthvalue read-write
Flow control status.
             hwifSrcMacControl truthvalue read-only
Whether to filter by source MAC address.
             hwifClearStat integer read-write
Clear all port statistics. Read operation not supported. Enumeration: 'clear': 1.
             hwifXXBasePortIndex integer read-only
Index number of the port and the first port index of the device is 1.
             hwifXXDevPortIndex integer read-only
Device index of the port.
             hwifPpsMcastControl integer32 read-write
The broadcast suppression with pps(packet per second) type. The max value is determined by the port type and product.
             hwifPpsBcastDisValControl integer read-write
Control the port's pps(packet per second) broadcast suppression. When the port is enabled, its pps broadcast suppression value is the global disperse value, and when disabled, it doesn't suppress broadcast. Enumeration: 'enable': 1, 'disable': 2.
             hwifUniSuppressionStep integer32 read-only
The step of unicast suppression in ratio mode.
             hwifPpsUniSuppressionMax integer32 read-only
The max pps(packet per second) value of unicast suppression in pps mode.
             hwifMulSuppressionStep integer32 read-only
The step of multicast suppression in ratio mode.
             hwifPpsMulSuppressionMax integer32 read-only
The max pps(packet per second) value of multicast suppression in pps mode.
             hwifUniSuppression integer32 read-write
The unicast suppression with the ranging from 1 to 100 percent in ratio mode. The step is determined by hwifUniSuppressionStep.
             hwifPpsUniSuppression integer32 read-write
The unicast suppression in pps(packet per second) mode. The max value is determined by hwifPpsUniSuppressionMax.
             hwifMulSuppression integer32 read-write
The multicast suppression with ranging from 1 to 100 percent in ratio mode. The step is determined by hwifMulSuppressionStep.
             hwifPpsMulSuppression integer32 read-write
The multicast suppression in pps(packet per second) mode. The max pps value is determined by hwifPpsMulSuppressionMax.
             hwifComboActivePort integer read-write
Active port on combo interface. Enumeration: 'copper': 2, 'fiber': 1, 'na': 3.
             hwifBMbpsMulSuppressionMax integer32 read-only
The maximum value of the multicast suppression with bandwidth-based(Mbps) that a port can be configured.
             hwifBMbpsMulSuppression integer32 read-write
With bandwidth-based multicast suppression, the bandwidth is measured in Mbps. The upper limit of the multicast suppession with bandwidth-based(Mbps) is the value of hwifBMbpsMulSuppressionMax in the entry. The default value of hwifBMbpsMulSuppression is the value of hwifBMbpsMulSuppressionMax.
             hwifBKbpsMulSuppressionMax integer32 read-only
The maximum value of the multicast suppression with bandwidth-based(Kbps) that a port can be configured.
             hwifBKbpsMulSuppressionStep integer32 read-only
The step of multicast suppression with bandwidth-based(Kbps).
             hwifBKbpsMulSuppression integer32 read-write
With bandwidth-based multicast suppression, the bandwidth is measured in Kbps. The upper limit of the multicast suppession with bandwidth-based(Kbps) is the value of hwifBKbpsMulSuppressionMax in the entry. The value of hwifBKbpsMulSuppression must be multiple of the value of hwifBKbpsMulSuppressionStep. The default value of hwifBKbpsMulSuppression is the value of hwifBKbpsMulSuppressionMax.
             hwifUnknownPacketDropMul dropdirection read-write
Control the port's unknown-multicast packets drop. When inbound direction is enabled on this port, the port will drop unknown-multicast packets in inbound direction. When outbound direction is enabled on this port, the port will drop unknown-multicast packets in outbound direction. When both directions are enabled on this port, the port will drop unknown-multicast packets in both inbound and outbound directions.
             hwifUnknownPacketDropUni dropdirection read-write
Control the port's unknown-unicast packets drop. When inbound direction is enabled on this port, the port will drop unknown-unicast packets in inbound direction. When outbound direction is enabled on this port, the port will drop unknown-unicast packets in outbound direction. When both directions are enabled on this port, the port will drop unknown-unicast packets in both inbound and outbound directions.
             hwifBMbpsUniSuppressionMax integer32 read-only
The maximum value of the unicast suppression with bandwidth-based (Mbps) that a port can be configured.
             hwifBMbpsUniSuppression integer32 read-write
With bandwidth-based Unicast suppression, the bandwidth is measured in Mbps. The upper limit of the unicast suppession with bandwidth-based(Mbps) is the value of hwifBMbpsUniSuppressionMax in the entry. The default value of hwifBMbpsUniSuppression is the value of hwifBMbpsUniSuppressionMax.
             hwifBKbpsUniSuppressionMax integer32 read-only
The maximum value of the unicast suppression with bandwidth-based (Kbps) that a port can be configured.
             hwifBKbpsUniSuppressionStep integer32 read-only
The step of unicast suppression with bandwidth-based(Kbps).
             hwifBKbpsUniSuppression integer32 read-write
With bandwidth-based unicast suppression, the bandwidth is measured in Kbps. The upper limit of the unicast suppession with bandwidth-based(Kbps) is the value of hwifBKbpsUniSuppressionMax in the entry. The value of hwifBKbpsUniSuppression must be multiple of the value of hwifBKbpsUniSuppressionStep. The default value of hwifBKbpsUniSuppression is the value of hwifBKbpsUniSuppressionMax.
             hwifOutPayloadOctets counter64 read-only
The actual output octets of the interface.
             hwifInPayloadOctets counter64 read-only
The actual input octets of the interface.
             hwifInErrorPktsRate integer32 read-only
The rate of inbound error packets on the interface.
             hwifInPkts counter64 read-only
The number of packets received on the interface.
             hwifInNormalPkts counter64 read-only
The number of normal packets received on the interface.
             hwifOutPkts counter64 read-only
The number of packets sent on the interface.
     hwifAggregateTable no-access
Port aggregation information table.
         hwifAggregateEntry no-access
Port aggregation information table.
             hwifAggregatePortIndex interfaceindex read-only
Index number of the main aggregated port.
             hwifAggregatePortName octet string read-write
Aggregation group name.
             hwifAggregatePortListPorts portlist read-write
Portlist of a aggregating.
             hwifAggregateModel integer read-write
Load sharing mode for the port aggregation. Enumeration: 'round-robin': 3, 'both': 2, 'ingress': 1.
             hwifAggregateOperStatus rowstatus read-only
Current operation status of the row.
     hwifHybridPortTable no-access
Hybrid-port configuration table.
         hwifHybridPortEntry no-access
Hybrid-port configuration table.
             hwifHybridPortIndex integer read-only
Index number of Hybrid-port.
             hwifHybridTaggedVlanListLow octet string read-write
Each octet within this value specifies a set of eight VLANs, with the first octet specifying VLANs 1 through 8, the second octet specifying VLANs 9 through 16, etc. Within each octet, the most significant bit represents the highest numbered VLAN, and the least significant bit represents the lowest numbered VLAN. Thus, each tagged VLAN of the hybrid port is represented by a single bit within the value of this object. If that bit has a value of '1' then that VLAN is tagged in the set of VLANs; the VLAN is not tagged if its bit has a value of '0'.
             hwifHybridTaggedVlanListHigh octet string read-write
Each octet within this value specifies a set of eight VLANs, with the first octet specifying VLANs 2049 through 2056, the second octet specifying VLANs 2057 through 2064, etc. Within each octet, the most significant bit represents the highest numbered VLAN, and the least significant bit represents the lowest numbered VLAN. Thus, each tagged VLAN of the hybrid port is represented by a single bit within the value of this object. If that bit has a value of '1' then that VLAN is tagged in the set of VLANs; the VLAN is not tagged if its bit has a value of '0'.
             hwifHybridUnTaggedVlanListLow octet string read-write
Each octet within this value specifies a set of eight VLANs, with the first octet specifying VLANs 1 through 8, the second octet specifying VLANs 9 through 16, etc. Within each octet, the most significant bit represents the highest numbered VLAN, and the least significant bit represents the lowest numbered VLAN. Thus, each untagged VLAN of the hybrid port is represented by a single bit within the value of this object. If that bit has a value of '1' then that VLAN is untagged in the set of VLANs; the VLAN is not untagged if its bit has a value of '0'.
             hwifHybridUnTaggedVlanListHigh octet string read-write
Each octet within this value specifies a set of eight VLANs, with the first octet specifying VLANs 2049 through 2056, the second octet specifying VLANs 2057 through 2064, etc. Within each octet, the most significant bit represents the highest numbered VLAN, and the least significant bit represents the lowest numbered VLAN. Thus, each untagged VLAN of the hybrid port is represented by a single bit within the value of this object. If that bit has a value of '1' then that VLAN is untagged in the set of VLANs; the VLAN is not untagged if its bit has a value of '0'.
     hwifComboPortTable no-access
Combo-port table.
         hwifComboPortEntry no-access
The entry of hwifComboPortTable.
             hwifComboPortIndex interfaceindex read-only
The combo-port interface index. Its value is the same as the value of ifIndex in ifTable, but only includes indexes of the combo-port interfaces.
             hwifComboPortCurActive integer read-write
Current active interface of combo interfaces. The value 'fiber' means the interface with fiber connector of the pair of combo-port interfaces is active. The value 'copper' means the interface with copper connector of the pair is active. The value 'na' means not supported. Enumeration: 'copper': 2, 'fiber': 1, 'na': 3.
         hwSlotPortMax integer read-only
Max ports of the slots.
         hwSwitchPortMax integer read-only
Max ports that this switch includes.
         hwifVLANTrunkStatusTable no-access
Gvrp attributes on the VlanTrunk port.
             hwifVLANTrunkStatusEntry no-access
Gvrp attributes on the VlanTrunk port.
                 hwifVLANTrunkIndex interfaceindex read-only
Index number of the VLANTrunk interface.
                 hwifVLANTrunkGvrpRegistration integer read-write
GVRP registration information normal: This is the default configuration. Allow create, register and unregister vlans dynamiclly at this port. fixed: Aallow create and register vlan manually at this port. Prevent from unregistering vlans or registering known vlans of this port at another trunk port. forbidden: Unregister all vlans but vlan 1, forbid to create or register any other vlans at this port. Enumeration: 'forbidden': 3, 'fixed': 2, 'normal': 1.
                 hwifVLANTrunkPassListLow octet string read-only
Each octet within this value specifies a set of eight VLANs, with the first octet specifying VLANs 1 through 8, the second octet specifying VLANs 9 through 16, etc. Within each octet, the most significant bit represents the highest numbered VLAN, and the least significant bit represents the lowest numbered VLAN. Thus, each actually passed VLAN of the trunk port is represented by a single bit within the value of this object. If that bit has a value of '1' then that VLAN is actually passed in the set of VLANs; the VLAN is not actually passed if its bit has a value of '0'.
                 hwifVLANTrunkPassListHigh octet string read-only
Each octet within this value specifies a set of eight VLANs, with the first octet specifying VLANs 2049 through 2056, the second octet specifying VLANs 2057 through 2064, etc. Within each octet, the most significant bit represents the highest numbered VLAN, and the least significant bit represents the lowest numbered VLAN. Thus, each actually passed VLAN of the trunk port is represented by a single bit within the value of this object. If that bit has a value of '1' then that VLAN is actually passed in the set of VLANs; the VLAN is not actually passed if its bit has a value of '0'.
                 hwifVLANTrunkAllowListLow octet string read-write
Each octet within this value specifies a set of eight VLANs, with the first octet specifying VLANs 1 through 8, the second octet specifying VLANs 9 through 16, etc. Within each octet, the most significant bit represents the highest numbered VLAN, and the least significant bit represents the lowest numbered VLAN. Thus, each allowed VLAN of the trunk port is represented by a single bit within the value of this object. If that bit has a value of '1' then that VLAN is allowed in the set of VLANs; the VLAN is not allowed if its bit has a value of '0'.
                 hwifVLANTrunkAllowListHigh octet string read-write
Each octet within this value specifies a set of eight VLANs, with the first octet specifying VLANs 2049 through 2056, the second octet specifying VLANs 2057 through 2064, etc. Within each octet, the most significant bit represents the highest numbered VLAN, and the least significant bit represents the lowest numbered VLAN. Thus, each allowed VLAN of the trunk port is represented by a single bit within the value of this object. If that bit has a value of '1' then that VLAN is allowed in the set of VLANs; the VLAN is not allowed if its bit has a value of '0'.
         hwethernetTable no-access
Ethernet port attribute table.
             hwethernetEntry no-access
Entries of Ethernet port attribute table
                 hwifEthernetDuplex integer read-write
Ethernet interface mode. Enumeration: 'auto': 3, 'full': 1, 'half': 2.
                 hwifEthernetMTU integer read-write
MTU on the Ethernet interface.
                 hwifEthernetSpeed integer read-write
Ethernet interface speed. Enumeration: 'auto': 0, 's100M': 100, 's10M': 10, 's10000M': 10000, 's1000M': 1000, 's24000M': 24000.
                 hwifEthernetMdi integer read-write
Type of the line connected to the port. MDI-II (straight-through cable): 1 MDI-X (crossover cable): 2 MDI-AUTO (auto-sensing): 3 Enumeration: 'mdi-x': 2, 'mdi-auto': 3, 'mdi-ii': 1.
                 hwMaxMacLearn integer read-write
The maximum number of MAC addresses that the port can learn. The value -1 means that the number of Mac addresses that the port can learn is unlimited.
                 hwifMacAddressLearn integer read-only
This object indicates if the interface is allowed to learn mac address. eanbled(1) means the interface can learn mac address, otherwise disabled(2) can be set. Enumeration: 'disabled': 2, 'enabled': 1.
                 hwifEthernetTest integer read-write
Test this interface. The actual testing will be different according to products. Read operation not supported. Enumeration: 'test': 1.
                 hwifMacAddrLearnMode integer read-only
Status indicates mac address learn mode of the interface. IVL(1) means independent VLAN learning. SVL means shared VLAN learning. Enumeration: 'iVL': 1, 'sVL': 2.
                 hwifEthernetFlowInterval integer read-write
Set flow interval of the ethernet. The NMS should set value to integer which is a multiple of 5.
                 hwifEthernetIsolate octet string read-write
Isolate group means that all ports in the same isolate group can not send and receive packets each other. Each octet within this value specifies a set of eight isolate groups, with the first octet specifying isolate groups 1 through 8, the second octet specifying isolate groups 9 through 16, etc. Within each octet, the leftmost bit is the first bit. the first bit represents the lowest numbered isolate group, and the last bit represents the highest numbered isolate group. one port can belong to more than one isolate group. Thus, each isolate group is represented by a single bit within the value of this object. If that bit has a value of '1', then that isolate group includes this port; the port is not included if its bit has a value of '0'. for example, the first octet is '10000100' means that the port is included in the isolate group 1 and isolate group 6.
                 hwifVlanVPNStatus integer read-write
Vlan VPN enable status. Enumeration: 'disabled': 2, 'enabled': 1.
                 hwifVlanVPNUplinkStatus integer read-write
Vlan VPN uplink status. Enumeration: 'disabled': 2, 'enabled': 1.
                 hwifVlanVPNTPID integer32 read-write
Port based Vlan VPN TPID(Tag Protocol Indentifier), default value is 0x8100. Please refer to hwVlanVPNTPIDMode to get more information.
                 hwifIsolateGroupID integer32 read-write
Isolate group identifier. Value zero means this interface does not belong to any isolate group.
                 hwifisUplinkPort integer read-only
Ethernet uplink status, default value is 2. Enumeration: 'yes': 1, 'no': 2.
                 hwifEthernetAutoSpeedMask speedmodeflag read-only
This object specifies which kinds of speed mode can be negotiated. Each bit corresponds to a kind of speed mode. If the value of a bit is '1', it means the corresponding speed mode is negotiable on the port. Otherwise the negotiation for that kind of speed mode is not supported on this port. If there are several negotiable speed modes, all bits for them are '1'. For example, if the speed mode 's10M' and 's1000M' can be negotiable, the value of this object is 0xA0.
                 hwifEthernetAutoSpeed speedmodeflag read-write
This object indicates which kinds of speed mode are negotiable on this port. Only when a bit of hwifEthernetAutoSpeedMask is '1', the corresponding bit of this object can be set to '1', indicating the corresponding speed mode is negotiable. For example, if the value of hwifEthernetAutoSpeedMask is 0xA0, which indicates speed mode 's10M' and 's1000M' are negotiable, the possible value of this object should be one of the four values (0x00, 0x20, 0x80 and 0xA0). If the value of hwifEthernetSpeed is not 'auto', the value of this object is insignificant and should be ignored. The value length of this object should be as long as that of hwifEthernetAutoSpeedMask.
         hwIsolateGroupMax integer32 read-only
Max isolate group that this device support, the value is zero means that the device does not support isolate group.
         hwGlobalBroadcastMaxPps integer read-write
The global max packets per second. When it is set, the value of BroadcastMaxPps in all ports will be changed to that setting.
         hwGlobalBroadcastMaxRatio integer read-write
The global max-ratio of broadcast from 0 to 100 percent. When it is set, the value of BroadcastMaxRatio in all ports will be changed to that setting.
         hwBpduTunnelStatus integer read-write
Bpdu tunnel enable status. Enumeration: 'disabled': 2, 'enabled': 1.
         hwVlanVPNTPIDMode integer read-only
Vlan VPN TPID mode. The value 'port-based' means VLAN VPN TPID value would be set based on port via hwifVlanVPNTPID. In this situation, hwVlanVPNTPID is meaningless and always return 0x8100. The value 'global' means VLAN VPN TPID value should be set globally via hwVlanVPNTPID. In this situation, hwifVlanVPNTPID in hwethernetTable has the same value with hwVlanVPNTPID. Enumeration: 'port-based': 1, 'global': 2.
         hwVlanVPNTPID integer32 read-write
Global Vlan VPN TPID(Tag Protocol Indentifier), default value is 0x8100.
         hwPortIsolateGroupTable no-access
Isolate Group attribute table.
               hwPortIsolateGroupEntry no-access
The entry of hwPortIsolateGroupTable.
                   hwPortIsolateGroupIndex integer32 no-access
Port isolate group identifier. The index of the hwPortIsolateGroupTable. The value ranges from 1 to the limit of isolate group quantity.
                   hwPortIsolateUplinkIfIndex interfaceindex read-only
Index number of the uplink interface.
                   hwPortIsolateGroupRowStatus rowstatus read-only
Current operation status of the row.
                   hwPortIsolateGroupDescription displaystring read-only
Port isolate group description, default value is zero-length string.
         hwMaxMacLearnRange integer32 read-only
The maximum number of MAC address that the port supports.