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Object Name OID Type Access Info
This MIB is used for defining Huawei's BTEST MIB objects,which is used for Broad test.
                   hwBTSSxDslLineCfgTable no-access
The hwBTSSxDslLineCfgTable table describes xDSL line configuration. This table is used for bandwidth test. The index of this table is ifIndex.
                       hwBTSSxDslLineCfgEntry no-access
The hwBTSSxDslLineCfgTable table describes xDSL line configuration. This table is used for bandwidth test. The index of this entry is ifIndex.
                           hwBTSSxDslLineOverlapType hwbtssxdsllineoverlap read-write
Overlap mode of xDSL with PSTN line. Options: 1. overLap(1) - xDSL overlap with POTS line 2. direct(2) - There is no pots line, no splitter, no phone 3. unknown(3) - The mode is unknown Default: unknown(3)
                   hwBTSSCoTestTable no-access
xDSL central office emulational measurement table.The table is used for xDSL central emulational measurement. The index of this table is ifIndex.
                       hwBTSSCoTestEntry no-access
xDSL central office emulational measurement table.The table is used for xDSL central emulational measurement. The index of this entry is ifIndex.
                           hwBTSSCoOperType integer read-write
CO emulational operation type. Options: 1. stop(1) - Stop CO emulational 2. start(2) - Start CO emulational Enumeration: 'start': 2, 'stop': 1.
                           hwBTSSCoTestResult integer no-access
CO emulational test result. Options: 1. normal(1) - The test of CO emulational is successful 2. testfail(2) - Fail in test of CO emulational Enumeration: 'testfail': 2, 'normal': 1.
                           hwBTSSCoTestBusyFlag integer read-write
CO force test flag Options: 1. busyNoTest(1) - No test on busy 2. busyTest(2) - Test on busy 3. busystrenTest(3) - Forced test on busy Enumeration: 'busystrenTest': 3, 'busyNoTest': 1, 'busyTest': 2.
                   hwBTSSAuxPortCfgTable no-access
Configuration table of the broadband test auxiliary port This table is used to configure a certain type of emulation port required in the CO emulation test. The indexes of this table are hwTestGroupNo and hwBTSSAuxPortType.
                         hwBTSSAuxPortCfgEntry no-access
Configuration table of the broadband test auxiliary port This table is used to configure a certain type of emulation port required in the CO emulation test. The indexes of this entry are hwTestGroupNo and hwBTSSAuxPortType.
                             hwBTSSAuxPortType integer no-access
Assistance port type of BTSS. Options: 1. adsl(1) - Assistance port type of BTSS is adsl 2. vdsl(2) - Assistance port type of BTSS is vdsl 3. gshdsl(3) - Assistance port type of BTSS is gshdsl Enumeration: 'adsl': 1, 'vdsl': 2, 'gshdsl': 3.
                             hwBTSSAuxPortIfIndex integer32 read-only
Assistance port ifIndex of BTSS.
                             hwBTSSAuxPortRowStatus rowstatus read-only
Row status(add(4),delete(6)).
                   hwBTSSTestedPortOperTable no-access
This table describes operation for tested port. The index of this table is ifIndex.
                         hwBTSSTestedPortOperEntry no-access
This table describes operation for tested port. The index of this entry is ifIndex.
                             hwBTSSTestedPortOperType integer read-write
Operation type of BTSS tested port. Options: 1. capture(1) - Capture 2. release(2) - Release 3. startmonitor(3) - Start monitor 4. stopmonitor(4) - Stop monitor 5. resumeport(5) - Resume port 6. invalid(-1) - Invalid value Enumeration: 'capture': 1, 'stopmonitor': 4, 'resumeport': 5, 'invalid': -1, 'release': 2, 'startmonitor': 3.
                             hwBTSSTestedPortOperMode integer read-write
Operation mode of BTSS tested port. Options: 1. inline(1) - BTSS tested port in test 2. outline(2) - BTSS tested port out test 3. monitor(3) - Monitoring BTSS tested port 4. both(4) - Capture for circuit and loop-line test 5. meltNoCutxDSL(5) - Capture for melt chip test with co and cpe connecting 6. meltForceCutxDSL(6) - Capture for melt chip test with co and cpe disconnecting 7. testLineLoopback(7) - Capture for test line loopback 8. internalResistorLoopback(8) - Capture for internal resistor loopback 9. passthroughmode(9) - No capture Default: passthroughmode(9) Enumeration: 'passthroughmode': 9, 'both': 4, 'outline': 2, 'meltForceCutxDSL': 6, 'meltNoCutxDSL': 5, 'internalResistorLoopback': 8, 'inline': 1, 'testLineLoopback': 7, 'monitor': 3.
                             hwBTSSTestedPortOperResult integer no-access
Test result of BTSS tested port. Options: 1. normal(1) - The test of BTSS tested port is successful 2. fail(2) - Fail in test of BTSS tested port 3. timeout(4) - The test of BTSS tested port is timeout Enumeration: 'fail': 2, 'timeout': 4, 'normal': 1.
                             hwBTSSTestedPortTestBusyFlag integer read-write
Tested port force test. Options: 1. busyNoTest(1) - No test on busy 2. busyTest(2) - Test on busy 3. busystrenTest(3) - Forced test on busy Enumeration: 'busystrenTest': 3, 'busyNoTest': 1, 'busyTest': 2.
                             hwBTSSTestedPortTestPOTSFlag integer read-write
Tested port POTS service flag Options: 1. noCutPOTS(1) - No cut off POTS 2. busyNoTest(2) - No test on POTS busy (Cut off POTS) 3. busyTest(3) - Test on POTS busy (Cut off POTS) 4. busystrenTest(4) - Forced test on POTS busy (Cut off POTS) Enumeration: 'busystrenTest': 4, 'busyNoTest': 2, 'noCutPOTS': 1, 'busyTest': 3.
                   hwBTSSCqtTransTestTable no-access
This table describes CQT test by transparent command. The index of this table is ifIndex.
                         hwBTSSCqtTransTestEntry no-access
This table describes CQT test by transparent command. The index of this entry is ifIndex.
                             hwBTSSCqtTransTestOperType integer read-write
CQT transparent Operation type Options: 1. stop(1) - Stop CQT transparent test 2. start(2) - Start CQT transparent test Enumeration: 'start': 2, 'stop': 1.
                             hwBTSSCqtTransTestCRCMode integer read-write
CRC Operation type of CQT transparent. Options: 1. disable(1) - Disable CQT transparent 2. enable(2) - Enable CQT transparent Default: disable(1) Enumeration: 'enable': 2, 'disable': 1.
                             hwBTSSCqtTransTestOperResult integer no-access
CQT transparent Operation result. Options: 1. normal(1) - The CQT transparent test is successful 2. fail(2) - The CQT transparent test fails 3. abort(3) - The CQT transparent test aborts 4. powerfeed(4) - The CQT transparent test power feeds Enumeration: 'fail': 2, 'powerfeed': 4, 'abort': 3, 'normal': 1.
                             hwBTSSCqtTransTestTxCmd octet string read-write
Sending command string in TL1 format.
                             hwBTSSCqtTransTestResultNo integer32 no-access
Test result No. Range: 1-255
                             hwBTSSCqtTransTestResultLastFlag integer no-access
Last package flag for test result. Options: 1. false(0) - This is not the last package 2. true(1) - The last package Enumeration: 'false': 0, 'true': 1.
                             hwBTSSCqtTransTestResult octet string no-access
CQT transparent Test result.
                   hwBTSSMultiFrameMiscOperTable no-access
This table describes test relatived operation for multi-frame. The index of this table is ifIndex.
                         hwBTSSMultiFrameMiscOperEntry no-access
This table describes test relatived operation for multi-frame. The index of this entry is ifIndex.
                             hwBTSSMultiFrameMiscCleanTest integer read-write
Clean current test on specified frame. Options: 1. start(1) - Start clean current test Enumeration: 'start': 1.
                             hwBTSSMultiFrameMiscTestedFrame integer32 read-write
Tested frame of BTSS multi-frame. Default: 0
                             hwBTSSMultiFrameMiscTestedPortType hwporttype read-write
Tested port type of BTSS multi-frame.
                             hwBTSSMultiFrameMiscTestedLineType hwbtssxdsllineoverlap read-write
Tested line type of BTSS multi-frame.
                   hwBTSSAdslSeltTestTable no-access
This table describes selt test for adsl2+. The index of this table is ifIndex.
                         hwBTSSAdslSeltTestEntry no-access
This table describes selt test for adsl2+. The index of this entry is ifIndex.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestOperType integer read-write
Selt test operation type. Options: 1. stop(1) - Stop selt test of BTSS 2. start(2) - Start selt test of BTSS 3. invalid(-1) - No operation Enumeration: 'start': 2, 'stop': 1, 'invalid': -1.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestOperResult integer no-access
Selt test operation result. Options: 1. normal(1) - Selt test of BTSS is successful 2. fail(2) - Fail in selt test of BTSS 3. abort(3) - Selt test of BTSS aborts Enumeration: 'fail': 2, 'abort': 3, 'normal': 1.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestResultNo integer32 no-access
Selt test result serial number. Range: 1-255
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestResultLastFlag integer no-access
Last package flag of test. Options: 1. false(0) - This is not the last package 2. true(1) - The last package Enumeration: 'false': 0, 'true': 1.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestResult octet string no-access
Selt test result data.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamLoopLength integer32 read-only
Selt test parameter Loop Length. The invalid value is -1. If no SELT is performed, no SELT data is generated because the SELT is incomplete, or no SELT data can be obtained from the port because the SELT data is aged and cleared, the invalid value will be returned.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamLoopTermin integer read-only
Selt test parameter Loop Termination state. Options: 1. open(0) - Indicates that the line terminal is started 2. short(1) - Indicates that the line terminal is short-circuited 3. unknow(2) - Indicates the unknown state 4. terminated(3) - Indicates that the line terminal is stopped 5. invalid(-1) - Indicates the invalid state Enumeration: 'terminated': 3, 'short': 1, 'open': 0, 'unknow': 2, 'invalid': -1.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamLoopGauge integer read-write
Selt test parameter Loop Gauge. Options: 1. greater26awg(1) - Indicates that the line gauge is greater than 26 2. equal26awg(2) - Indicates that the line gauge is 26 3. equal24awg(3) - Indicates that the line gauge is 24 4. less24awg(4) - Indicates that the line gauge is smaller than 24 5. unknowawg(5) - Indicates an unknown line gauge. 6. invalid(-1) - Indicates an invalid value. Enumeration: 'invalid': -1, 'unknowawg': 5, 'equal24awg': 3, 'greater26awg': 1, 'equal26awg': 2, 'less24awg': 4.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamUpShnCap integer32 read-only
Selt test parameter Upstream Shannon Capacity. The invalid value is -1. If no SELT is performed, no SELT data is generated because the SELT is incomplete, or no SELT data can be obtained from the port because the SELT data is aged and cleared, the invalid value will be returned.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamDwnShnCap integer32 read-only
Selt test parameter Downstream Shannon Capacity.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamInbandNoise octet string read-only
Selt test parameter Inband Noise 512 values that indicate inband noise in dBm/Hz, covering ADSL, ADSL2, and ADSL2+ bands, from 0 to 2.2 MHz.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamTerminResp octet string read-only
Selt test parameter Termination Response 180 values that indicate termination response magnitude from 0 to 18 kft.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamUpMgnAtRate octet string read-only
Selt test parameter Upstream Ratevs. Margin. This value is a measure of the quality of your upstream data signal relative to the noise on the line. Hundreds of values that indicate SNR margin in DB/Hz at a particular bit rate are provided, at a certain increments, up to 30 Mbps. This information may be plotted with the bit rate on the X-axis and the SNR margin on the Y-axis.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamDwnMgnAtRate octet string read-only
Selt test parameter Downstream Rate vs. Margin. This value is a measure of the quality of your downstream data signal relative to the noise on the line. Hundreds of values that indicate SNR margin in DB/Hz at a particular bit rate are provided, at a certain increments, up to 30 Mbps. This information may be plotted with the bit rate on the X-axis and the SNR margin on the Y-axis.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamUpRateAtMgn octet string read-only
Selt test parameter Upstream Margin vs. Rate.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamDwnRateAtMgn octet string read-only
Selt test parameter Downstream Margin vs. Rate.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamLoopAttenAtFreq octet string read-only
Selt test parameter loop attenuation versus frequency. Every four bytes constitute the result of a tone. This information may be plotted with the bit frequency on the X-axis and the loop attenuation on the Y-axis.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamUnCalibLineScale unsigned32 read-only
The uncalibrated echo response, UER(i* UER_G*Df), shall be represented in linear format by a scale factor and a normalized complex number a(i)+j*b(i), where i is a frequency index i ranging from 0 to NSC-1, the subcarrier spacing, Df = 4.3125 kHz, and (NSC-1) * UER_G * Df is the highest frequency supported by the SELT-PMD functionality. The UER granularity parameter, UER_G, has two valid values: 1 and 2, indicating whether the measurements were performed using a tone spacing of 4.3125 kHz or of 8.625 kHz. If the uncalibrated echo response is being reported over a frequency range of 17.664 MHz or lower, UER_G shall be set to 1. If the uncalibrated echo response is being reported over a frequency range that is greater than 17.664 MHz, UER_G shall be set to 2. The scale factor shall be coded as a 32-bit unsigned integer. Both a(i) and b(i) shall be coded as 32-bit 2's complement signed integers. The value of UER(i* UER_G*Df) shall be defined as: UER(i* UER_G*Df) = (scale/2^31)*(a(i)+j*b(i))/2^31. In order to maximize precision, the scale factor shall be chosen such that max(|a(i)|, |b(i)|) over all i is equal to 2^31-1. NOTE - This data format supports an UER(f) granularity of 2^-31 and an UER(f) dynamic range of approximately +6 dB to -186 dB, however it does not imply any future accuracy requirements. An UER(i*UER_G* Df) value indicated as a(i) = b(i) = -2^31 is a special value. It indicates that no measurement could be done for this subcarrier either because it is not supported by the SELT-PMD function, or that the value is out of range to be represented.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamUnCalibEchoRespReal octet string read-only
The uncalibrated echo response, UER(i* UER_G*Df), shall be represented in linear format by a scale factor and a normalized complex number a(i)+j*b(i), where i is a frequency index i ranging from 0 to NSC-1, the subcarrier spacing, Df = 4.3125 kHz, and (NSC-1) * UER_G * Df is the highest frequency supported by the SELT-PMD functionality. The UER granularity parameter, UER_G, has two valid values: 1 and 2, indicating whether the measurements were performed using a tone spacing of 4.3125 kHz or of 8.625 kHz. If the uncalibrated echo response is being reported over a frequency range of 17.664 MHz or lower, UER_G shall be set to 1. If the uncalibrated echo response is being reported over a frequency range that is greater than 17.664 MHz, UER_G shall be set to 2. The scale factor shall be coded as a 32-bit unsigned integer. Both a(i) and b(i) shall be coded as 32-bit 2's complement signed integers. The value of UER(i* UER_G*Df) shall be defined as: UER(i* UER_G*Df) = (scale/2^31)*(a(i)+j*b(i))/2^31. In order to maximize precision, the scale factor shall be chosen such that max(|a(i)|, |b(i)|) over all i is equal to 2^31-1. NOTE - This data format supports an UER(f) granularity of 2^-31 and an UER(f) dynamic range of approximately +6 dB to -186 dB, however it does not imply any future accuracy requirements. An UER(i*UER_G* Df) value indicated as a(i) = b(i) = -2^31 is a special value. It indicates that no measurement could be done for this subcarrier either because it is not supported by the SELT-PMD function, or that the value is out of range to be represented.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamUnCalibEchoRespImg octet string read-only
The uncalibrated echo response, UER(i* UER_G*Df), shall be represented in linear format by a scale factor and a normalized complex number a(i)+j*b(i), where i is a frequency index i ranging from 0 to NSC-1, the subcarrier spacing, Df = 4.3125 kHz, and (NSC-1) * UER_G * Df is the highest frequency supported by the SELT-PMD functionality. The UER granularity parameter, UER_G, has two valid values: 1 and 2, indicating whether the measurements were performed using a tone spacing of 4.3125 kHz or of 8.625 kHz. If the uncalibrated echo response is being reported over a frequency range of 17.664 MHz or lower, UER_G shall be set to 1. If the uncalibrated echo response is being reported over a frequency range that is greater than 17.664 MHz, UER_G shall be set to 2. The scale factor shall be coded as a 32-bit unsigned integer. Both a(i) and b(i) shall be coded as 32-bit 2's complement signed integers. The value of UER(i* UER_G*Df) shall be defined as: UER(i* UER_G*Df) = (scale/2^31)*(a(i)+j*b(i))/2^31. In order to maximize precision, the scale factor shall be chosen such that max(|a(i)|, |b(i)|) over all i is equal to 2^31-1. NOTE - This data format supports an UER(f) granularity of 2^-31 and an UER(f) dynamic range of approximately +6 dB to -186 dB, however it does not imply any future accuracy requirements. An UER(i*UER_G* Df) value indicated as a(i) = b(i) = -2^31 is a special value. It indicates that no measurement could be done for this subcarrier either because it is not supported by the SELT-PMD function, or that the value is out of range to be represented.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamCalibLineScale unsigned32 read-only
The scale factor of calibrated echo response shall be coded as a 16 bit unsigned integer.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamCalibEchoRespReal octet string read-only
The calibrated echo response UER(i* f), shall be represented in linear format by a scale factor and a normalized complex number a(i)+j*b(i), where i is the subcarrier index i ranging from 0 to NSC-1 and Df = 4.3125kHz and (NSC-1) * Df is the highest frequency supported by the SELT-PMD functionality. The scale factor shall be coded as a 16 bit unsigned integer. Both a(i) and b(i) shall be coded as a 16 bit 2's complement signed integer. The value of UER(i* f) shall be defined as UER(i* f) = (scale/215)*(a(i)+j*b(i))/215. In order to maximize precision, the scale factor shall be chosen such that max(|a(i)|, |b(i)|) over all i is equal to 215-1. This data format supports an UER(f) granularity of 2-15 and an UER(f) dynamic range of approximately +6 dB to -90 dB. An UER(i*Df) value indicated as a(i) = b(i) = -215 is a special value. It indicates that no measurement could be done for this subcarrier because it is out of the PSD mask passband or that the value is out of range to be represented.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamCalibEchoRespImg octet string read-only
The calibrated echo response UER(i* f), shall be represented in linear format by a scale factor and a normalized complex number a(i)+j*b(i), where i is the subcarrier index i ranging from 0 to NSC-1 and Df = 4.3125kHz and (NSC-1) * Df is the highest frequency supported by the SELT-PMD functionality. The scale factor shall be coded as a 16 bit unsigned integer. Both a(i) and b(i) shall be coded as a 16 bit 2's complement signed integer. The value of UER(i* f) shall be defined as UER(i* f) = (scale/215)*(a(i)+j*b(i))/215. In order to maximize precision, the scale factor shall be chosen such that max(|a(i)|, |b(i)|) over all i is equal to 215-1. This data format supports an UER(f) granularity of 2-15 and an UER(f) dynamic range of approximately +6 dB to -90 dB. An UER(i*Df) value indicated as a(i) = b(i) = -215 is a special value. It indicates that no measurement could be done for this subcarrier because it is out of the PSD mask passband or that the value is out of range to be represented.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamVarUerC octet string read-only
The relative variance of the uncalibrated echo response REL_VAR_UER(i* UER_G *Df) shall be represented as an 8-bit unsigned integer v(i), where i is the subcarrier index i = 0 to NSC-1. The value of REL_VAR_UER(i* UER_G *Df) shall be defined as REL_VAR_UER(i* UER_G *Df) = 3 - v(i)/2 dB. The number v(i) is an 8-bit unsigned integer in the range 0 to 254. This data format supports a REL_VAR_UER(i) over a range from -124 dB to +3 dB for each carrier with a granularity from 0.5 dB. Out of range values shall be clamped to the closest range bound. The special value v(i) = 255 indicates that no measurement is available for that carrier. Unit: 0.5dB
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamUerMmdC unsigned32 read-write
This parameter is the maximum allowed time for SELT uncalibrated echo response measurement, between the time of the start command written by the SELT-PMD-ME, and the time the result is available for read operation by SELT-PMD-ME. It is configurable between 5 seconds and 240 seconds, in steps of 1 second. The invalid value is 255. If data on the port cannot be queried, the invalid value will be returned. Unit: 1 second
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamQlnMmdC unsigned32 read-write
This parameter is the maximum allowed time for SELT quiet line noise measurement, between the time of the start command written by the SELT-PMD-ME, and the time the result is available for read operation by SELT-PMD-ME. It is configurable between 1 second and 240 seconds, in steps of 1 second. The invalid value is 255. If data on the port cannot be queried, the invalid value will be returned. Unit: 1 second
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamUmeC integer read-write
This parameter is a binary variable. Options: 1.enable(1) - Enable UER capture switch 2.disable(2) - Disable UER capture switch 3.invalid(-1) - Invalid value Enumeration: 'enable': 1, 'disable': 2, 'invalid': -1.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamQmeC integer read-write
This parameter is a binary variable. Options: 1.enable(1) - Enable QLN capture switch 2.disable(2) - Disable QLN capture switch 3.invalid(-1) - Invalid value Enumeration: 'enable': 1, 'disable': 2, 'invalid': -1.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamUerStatus integer read-only
UerStatus. Options: - The status is off. 2.running(2) - The status is running. 3.completed(3) - The status is completed. 4.failed(4) - The status is failed. Enumeration: 'failed': 4, 'running': 2, 'off': 1, 'completed': 3.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamQlnStatus integer read-only
QlnStatus. Options: - The status is off. 2.running(2) - The status is running. 3.completed(3) - The status is completed. 4.failed(4) - The status is failed. Enumeration: 'failed': 4, 'running': 2, 'off': 1, 'completed': 3.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamCalcEnable integer read-write
The status of calculation switch. Options: 1. enable(1) - Enable calculation switch 2. disable(2) - Disable calculation switch 3. invalid(-1) - Invalid value Default: enable(1) Enumeration: 'enable': 1, 'disable': 2, 'invalid': -1.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamAttnAt180KHZ integer32 read-only
Selt test parameter attenuation at 180KHZ. It ranges from -1100 to 0 units of 0.1dB(physical values are -110 to 0 dB). The invalid value is -1. If no SELT is performed, no SELT data is generated because the SELT is incomplete, or no SELT data can be obtained from the port because the SELT data is aged and cleared, the invalid value will be returned. Unit: 0.1dB
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamAttnAt300KHZ integer32 read-only
Selt test parameter attenuation at 300KHZ. It ranges from -1100 to 0 units of 0.1dB(physical values are -110 to 0 dB). The invalid value is -1. If no SELT is performed, no SELT data is generated because the SELT is incomplete, or no SELT data can be obtained from the port because the SELT data is aged and cleared, the invalid value will be returned. Unit: 0.1dB
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltTestParamQSPsdValue octet string read-only
The SELT quiet line noise provides the quiet line noise PSD as measured by the SELT-PMD function (see clause A.1.1.2) for each sub-carrier frequency i * SELTQLN_G * Df where i ranges from 0 to NSC-1, Df = 4.3125 kHz, and (NSC-1) * SELTQLN_G * Df is the highest frequency supported by the SELT-PMD functionality. SELTQLN_G has two valid values: 1 and 2, indicating whether the measurements were performed using a tone spacing of 4.3125 kHz or of 8.625 kHz. If the SELT quiet line noise is being reported over a frequency range of 17.664 MHz or lower, SELTQLN_G shall be set to 1. If the SELT quiet line noise is being reported over a frequency range that is greater than 17.664 MHz, SELTQLN_G shall be set to 2. SELT quiet line noise SELTQLN(i * SELTQLN_G * Df) shall be represented as an 8-bit unsigned integer n(i), where i is the subcarrier index i = 0 to NSC-1. The value of SELTQLN(i * SELTQLN_G * Df) shall be defined as SELTQLN(i * SELTQLN_G * Df ) = -23 - (n(i)/2) dBm/Hz. This data format supports a SELTQLN(f) granularity of 0.5 dB and an SELTQLN(f) dynamic range of -150 to -23 dBm/Hz. Unit: 0.5dBm/Hz
                   hwBTSSAdslDeltTestTable no-access
This table describes Delt test for adsl2+. The index of this table is ifIndex.
                         hwBTSSAdslDeltTestEntry no-access
This table describes Delt test for adsl2+. The index of this entry is ifIndex.
                             hwBTSSAdslDeltTestOperType integer read-write
Delt test operation type. Options: 1. stop(1) - Delt test stop 2. start(2) - Start delt test 3. invalid(-1) - No operation Enumeration: 'start': 2, 'stop': 1, 'invalid': -1.
                             hwBTSSAdslDeltTestOperResult integer no-access
Delt test operation result. Options: 1. normal(1) - Delt test is normal 2. fail(2) - Fail in delt test 3. abort(3) - Delt test aborts Enumeration: 'fail': 2, 'abort': 3, 'normal': 1.
                             hwBTSSAdslDeltTestResultNo integer32 no-access
Delt test result serial number. Range: 1-255
                             hwBTSSAdslDeltTestResultLastFlag integer no-access
Last package flag for test result. Options: 1. false(0) - This is not the last package 2. true(1) - The last package Enumeration: 'false': 0, 'true': 1.
                             hwBTSSAdslDeltTestResult octet string no-access
Delt test result data.
                   hwBTSSLoopLineToneOprTable no-access
The table hwBTSSLoopLineToneOprTable is used to Loop Line Tone. The index of this table is ifIndex.
                         hwBTSSLoopLineToneOprEntry no-access
The table hwBTSSLoopLineToneOprTable is used to Loop Line Tone. The index of this entry is ifIndex.
                             hwBTSSLoopLineToneOprType integer read-write
Operation type of BTSS loop line tone Options: 1. check(1) - Indicates that checking the signal tone is started 2. send(2) - Indicates that sending the signal tone is started 3. stopsend(3) - Indicates that stopping sending the signal tone is started Enumeration: 'stopsend': 3, 'check': 1, 'send': 2.
                             hwBTSSLoopLineToneIntensity integer read-write
Tone intensity of BTSS loop line tone. Options: 1. fivedB(1) - Tone intensity of BTSS is five dB 2. tendB(2) - Tone intensity of BTSS is ten dB 3. fifteendB(3) - Tone intensity of BTSS is fifteen dB Enumeration: 'fivedB': 1, 'fifteendB': 3, 'tendB': 2.
                             hwBTSSLoopLineToneBusyFlag integer read-write
Tested port force test of BTSS loop line tone. Options: 1. busyNoTest(1) - No test on busy 2. busyTest(2) - Test on busy 3. busystrenTest(3) - Forced test on busy Enumeration: 'busystrenTest': 3, 'busyNoTest': 1, 'busyTest': 2.
                             hwBTSSLoopLineToneResult integer read-only
Operate result of BTSS loop line tone. Options: 1. succeed(1) - The test of BTSS loop line tone is successful 2. failed(2) - Failed in BTSS loop line tone test Enumeration: 'failed': 2, 'succeed': 1.
                   hwBTSSSeltAuxPortCfgTable no-access
This table sets assistance port for SELT. The index of this table is hwBTSSSeltAuxedPortIfIndex.
                         hwBTSSSeltAuxPortCfgEntry no-access
This table sets assistance port for SELT. The index of this entry is hwBTSSSeltAuxedPortIfIndex.
                             hwBTSSSeltAuxedPortIfIndex integer32 no-access
The ifindex of the Auxed port. If there is only one global Auxed port, the value is 65535.
                             hwBTSSSeltAuxPortIfIndex integer32 read-write
Assistance port ifIndex
                             hwBTSSSeltAuxPortRowStatus rowstatus read-only
Row status(add(4), delete(6)) of the Aux port.
                   hwBTSSAdslSeltLevelTable no-access
This table supports the configuration of adsl selt level. The indexes of this table are hwFrameIndex and hwSlotIndex.
                         hwBTSSAdslSeltLevelEntry no-access
This table supports the configuration of adsl selt level. The indexes of this entry are hwFrameIndex and hwSlotIndex.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltLevel integer32 read-write
The level of adsl SELT: 1 Level0; 2 Level1; 3 Level2; 4 Level3. A special value of -1 indicates the level of adsl SELT is invalid.
                   hwBTSSAdslSeltCalibrationTable no-access
This table describes calibration data of selt test. The index of this table is ifIndex.
                         hwBTSSAdslSeltCalibrationEntry no-access
This table describes calibration data of selt test. The index of this entry is ifIndex.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltCalibrationInvVendorId octet string read-only
It consists of 8 binary octets, including a provider code.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltCalibrationDataSegment1 octet string read-only
The part 1 of selt calibration data. The unit of selt calibration data is 0.00001.
                             hwBTSSAdslSeltCalibrationDataSegment2 octet string read-only
The part 2 of selt calibration data. The unit of selt calibration data is 0.00001.
                       hwBTSSCqtOfflineReason integer no-access
Cqt module offline reason. Options: 1. commFail(1) - CQT module communication fail. Resolving method:Check CQT module running normal 2. userReset(2) - User reset command Enumeration: 'commFail': 1, 'userReset': 2.
                       hwBTSSRequestID integer32 no-access
NMS request ID.
CQT unit online status trap. This notification indicates alarm when CQT unit online. enumFirst: explain: CQT module communication OK resolving method:NA.
CQT unit offline status trap. This notification indicates alarm when CQT unit offline.
Start Co test trap. This notification indicates alarm when starting Co test.
Stop Co test trap. This notification indicates alarm when stopping Co test.
Tested port operation trap. This notification indicates alarm when tested port operation.
Cqt transparent test trap. This notification indicates alarm when starting or stoping Cqt transparent test.
Cqt transparent test trap. This notification indicates alarm when reporting the result after Cqt transparent test.
loop line tone test result trap: 1:hwBTSSLoopLineToneResult. This notification indicates alarm when reporting the test result of Loop Line Tone.
BTSS capture trap. This trap is sent when BTSS capture result reported.
BTSS delt result trap. This notification indicates alarm when captures result data of BTSS delt test.