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Object Name OID Type Access Info
       polAclServer truthvalue read-write
This is true when Access Control Lists (ACLs) are defined by a Policy Server else false. At boot, this value is false. After the first valid set of any policy object, the value changes to true.
       polAclNumber integer read-only
The number of Layer 3 Access Control Lists defined in the SSR.
       polAclLastChanged timeticks read-only
The time the Access Control List were last changed.
       polAclTable no-access
A list of Access Control List entries.
           polAclEntry no-access
A record containing a Access Control List.
               polAclName displaystring read-only
The administratively assigned name to this static route entry.
               polAclItem integer read-only
This row's unique identifier within a given ACL set. Member of the ACL set are numbered from 1 to 256. If Item is set to 0, and rowStatus is destroy, all rows for this set are destroyed.
               polAclRestriction integer read-write
The permissions/restrictions given to this static route entry. Enumeration: 'deny': 2, 'permit': 1.
               polAclProtocol ssrprotocol read-write
The IETF protocol this ACL applies to.
               polAclSrcIp ipaddress read-write
The source L3 IP Address this ACL applies to.
               polAclSrcMask ipaddress read-write
The source L3 IP Mask this ACL Applies to.
               polAclDstIp ipaddress read-write
The source L3 IP Address this ACL applies to.
               polAclDstMask ipaddress read-write
The source L3 IP Mask this ACL Applies to.
               polAclTOS integer read-write
The source L3 IP Type of Service field.
               polAclSrcPort ssrsocketid read-write
The source L3 IP source port/socket ACL applies to.
               polAclDstPort ssrsocketid read-write
The source L3 IP destination port/socket ACL applies to.
               polAclSrcOperator ssrportcomparator read-write
polAclSrcPort is compared using this operator.
               polAclDstOperator ssrportcomparator read-write
polAclDstPort is compared using this operator.
               polAclSrcHighRange integer read-write
The high range source L3 IP port. Used only when SrcOperator == range. polAclSrcPort is used as the lower bounds of the range.
               polAclDstHighRange integer read-write
The high range destination L3 IP port. Used only when SrcOperator == range. polAclDstPort is used as the lower bounds of the range.
               polAclAuditTrail truthvalue read-write
Flows matching this ACL are logged for Accounting when true.
               polAclCheckpoint integer read-write
How long to keep flow at which point a checkpoint should be done. A checkpoint may trigger earlier than this time should the maximum batch size be reached. Enumeration: 'monthly': 4, 'hourly': 1, 'endofcall': 5, 'daily': 2, 'weekly': 3.
               polAclRowStatus rowstatus read-write
SNMP V2 RowStatus control for this table.
       polAclServiceNumber integer read-only
The number of Layer 3 Access Control Lists in service in the SSR.
       polAclServiceLastChanged timeticks read-only
The time the ACLs in service were last changed.
       polAclServiceTable no-access
A list of ACL's currently in service.
           polAclServiceEntry no-access
A record containing a Access Control Lists applied to Interfaces.
               polAclServiceIfIndex interfaceindex read-only
The ifIndex of the IP Interface the ACL is applied to. An SSR IP Interface has ifType 142
               polAclName2 displaystring read-only
The name of the ACL applied to the particular port.
               polAclServiceDirection integer read-write
The direction the ACL is applied to the particular port. Enumeration: 'both': 3, 'ingress': 1, 'egress': 2.
               polAclServiceRowStatus rowstatus read-write
SNMP V2 RowStatus control for this table.
       polAclRemoteAllowed truthvalue read-only
Remote Policy Configuration is allowed when true only local (to SSR) policy may be applied.
       polAclInterfaceNumber integer read-only
The number of Layer 3 Interfaces in service in the SSR.
       polAclInterfaceLastChanged timeticks read-only
The time the Interfaces in service were last changed with regard to policy.
       polAclInterfaceTable no-access
A list of IP Interfaces in service and their policy status. Each IP Interface can be defined to use local static policy or remote dynamic policy in the config.
             polAclInterfaceEntry no-access
A record containing a Access Control Lists applied to Interfaces.
                 polAclInterfaceIfIndex interfaceindex read-only
The ifIndex of the IP Interface the ACL is applied to.
                 polAclInterfaceDirection integer read-only
The direction the ACL is applied to the particular port. Enumeration: 'both': 3, 'ingress': 1, 'egress': 2.
                 polAclPolicyStatus integer read-only
Rules for what type of management can apply ACLs to a particular interface. If set to remote, then a Policy Manager via SNMP may change dynamically the ACLs applied to an interface. Note, ACLs applied dynamically are not maintained across system reboot. Use local ACLs to setup the basic rules then apply dynamic rules as necessary. Enumeration: 'remote': 2, 'local': 1.
       polL4PolicyBasedRoutingEnabled truthvalue read-only
The state of Policy Based Routing on this network element.
       polL4NumRouters integer read-only
The number of next hop routers currently available.
       polL4NextHopTableLastChange timeticks read-only
The value of sysUpTime when a row was last added or deleted from polL4NextHopTable.
       polL4NextHopTable no-access
A list of next hop IP routers.
             polL4NextHopEntry no-access
An entry contains the status of a next hop router.
                 polL4NextHopRouter ipaddress read-only
The IP Address of the next hop router flow will be sent to.
                 polL4NextHopState integer read-only
The current status of the polL4NextHopRouter. If no entry found when a policy route is activated, then arp for the request the state will be waitingForArp(2). If a reply is found the state will go to macAcquired(3) else noArpReply(4). If NextHop is not local, mac is actual nexthop router. Enumeration: 'unknown': 1, 'macAcquired': 3, 'waitingForArp': 2, 'noArpReply': 4.
                 polL4NextHopPortOfExit interfaceindexorzero read-only
IfIndex of port we learned this router on or else zero if not known.
                 polL4NextHopMacAddress macaddress read-only
MAC Address of next hop router learned from ARP.
                 polL4NextHopLastChange timeticks read-only
The value of sysUpTime when this polL4NextHopState changed.
       polL4lowControlTableLastChange timeticks read-only
The value of sysUpTime when a row was last added or deleted from polL4lowControlTable.
       polL4NumPolicies integer read-only
The number of policies currently available.
       polL4lowControlTable no-access
Contains Control rows that indicate which flows have been redirected. As flows are aged out and recreated, these rules will enforce flow redirection policy.
             polL4lowControlEntry no-access
This table is an ordered collection of route policies. For SSR, this maps to the command: ip-policy Name [permit|deny] acl acl-list
                 polL4PolicyName displaystring no-access
A unique name for this flow policy.
                 polL4PolicySequence integer32 no-access
The evaluation order of this object. When two objects have the same value, the value of the instance value decides which is evaluated first. than higher numbers.
                 polL4PolicyInstance integer32 no-access
The sequence of this policy based route. Lower numbers have higher precedence than higher numbers.
                 polL4PolicyType ssrflowpolicytype read-only
Controls if packets are forwarded or not for this policy.
                 polL4PolicyAction ssrflowpolicyaction read-only
Define when this policy should be used during normal packet forwarding process.
                 polL4PolicyMatch ssrflowpolicyacllist read-only
Up to twenty (20) separate ACLs may be defined to match for this policy. This object is mandatory. Use active row from polAclTable.
                 polL4PolicyNextHops ssrflownexthoplist read-only
Up to for IpAddresses may be specified to route data to next. Load balancing If more than one next hop ip address is specified, the default load balancing scheme is round robin. This object is mandatory. Use objects from polL4NextHopTable.
                 polL4PolicyLoading ssrflowloadpolicy read-only
When more than one next hop is defined and available, set loading policy here.
                 polL4PolicyWatch truthvalue read-only
When True, use icmp echo to actively maintain status of next hop. This is useful to prevent data sinks with static routes.
                 polL4lowCreationTime timeticks read-only
The value of sysUpTime when policy went was created then activated.
                 polL4lowActiveGates gauge32 read-only
The number of currently active nexthop gateways.
                 polL4lowAppliedTimes counter32 read-only
The number of times this policy was used.
                 polL4lowControlStatus rowstatus read-only
Entries in active state cause a flow to remain programmed with the next hop router specified. If the next hop router goes down, the rowStatus will become inactive. New flows that match this specification will assume this next hop router over any other route directive. This assumes polL4PolicyBasedRouteState value is true.
             polL4lowLostRouters counter32 read-only
The count of times routers were disabled from NextHopTable due to lost contact.
             polL4lowControlTableActivates counter32 read-only
The count of successful activations of flow control policies made.
             polL4lowControlTableActivateFails counter32 read-only
The count of unsuccessful flow control policies made.
             polL4lowArpMappingChanges counter32 read-only
The count of mac to next hop IP address mapping changes affecting policy based route tables.
             polL4lowIcmpRedirects counter32 read-only
The count of next hop route redirects received that match a policy in the polL4lowControlTable. This can help to determine if bad route policies are in effect.
             polL4lowMatchAttempts counter32 read-only
The count of total number of policy based flow lookups made against policy based route table.
       polL2FilterNumber integer read-only
The number of Layer 3 Access Control Lists defined in the SSR.
       polL2FilterLastChanged timeticks read-only
The time the Access Control List were last changed.
       polL2FilterTable no-access
A list of Layer 2 filters.
           polL2FilterEntry no-access
An entry containing a layer 2 filter.
               polL2FilterIndex integer no-access
A unique index into the table representing a single filter entry. This value will remain unique and the relationship between the index and the underlying filter is valid until the next reboot.
               polL2FilterDesc displaystring read-only
A string used to describe the filter. It should contain the creator IP address, and other descriptive information about the filter. It is recommended that names be unique within a given filter type. This object may not be modified if the associated. polL2FilterStatus object is equal to active(1).
               polL2FilterType integer read-only
The types of filters, as explained below. static-entry Based on the restrictions and the presence of source, destination MAC address they can be of three types : source-static-entry - All frames with a source address equal to srcMAC, coming through any of the inPorts will be allowed/disallowed to go to any port that is a member of the outPorts list. destination-static-entry - All frames with a destination address equal to dstMAC, coming through any of the inPorts will be allowed/ disallowed/forced to go to any port that is a member of the outPorts list. flow-static-entry - All frames with a source address equal to srcMAC and a destination address equal to dstMAC, coming through any of the inPorts list will be allowed/disallowed to go to any port that is a member of the outPorts list. Ports must be in flow-bridging mode in order to use filters with both src and dst mac specified. address-filter Based on the restrictions and the presence of source, destination MAC address they can be of three types : source-address-filter - All frames with a source address equal to srcMAC, coming through any of the inPorts will be filtered out. destination-address-filter - All frames with a destination address equal to dstMAC, coming through any of the inPorts will be filtered out. flow-filter - All frames with a source address equal to srcMAC and a destination address equal to dstMAC, coming through any of the inPorts list will be filtered out. Ports must be in flow mode in order to set a filter using both source and destination address. port-address-lock This locks a source address to a port. It allows learning of srcMAC addresses only on any of the ports in inPorts. The following objects are mandatory and must be set by mgmt station to activate a row: polL2FilterDesc, polL2FilterSrcMacAddr, polL2FilterInPorts secure-port This blocks all traffic in a given direction to a port. Used with static entries, it is effective in allowing only certain well defined source/destination mac addresses. The following objects must be set by mgmt station to activate an entry: polL2FilterDesc, r, polL2FilterInPorts This object may not be modified if the associated. polL2FilterStatus object is equal to active(1). Enumeration: 'staticEntry': 1, 'addressFilter': 2, 'securePort': 4, 'portAddressLock': 3.
               polL2FilterRestrictions integer read-only
The first 3 restrictions, allow, disallow, force apply when the filterType is static-entry. When polL2FilterType is addressFilter or portAddressLock, this object does not apply. For securePort, the blockIngress, blockEgress values apply. This object may not be modified if the associated. polL2FilterStatus object is equal to active(1). Enumeration: 'blockIngress': 5, 'none': 4, 'force': 3, 'disallow': 2, 'allow': 1, 'blockEgress': 6.
               polL2FilterSrcMacAddr macaddress read-only
The source MAC address, which is present in case of a Flow, that has been learned by the switch.
               polL2FilterDstMacAddr macaddress read-only
The destination MAC address which has been learned. This object may not be modified if the associated. polL2FilterStatus object is equal to active(1).
               polL2FilterVlanId ssrvlanindex read-only
The VLAN the destination MAC address belongs to. The default VLAN is id 1 on SSR. This object may not be modified if the associated. polL2FilterStatus object is equal to active(1).
               polL2FilterInPorts ssrportlist read-only
The set of Ports to which this filter applies on input. This object may not be modified if the associated. polL2FilterStatus object is equal to active(1).
               polL2FilterOutPorts ssrportlist read-only
The set of ports to which this filter applies on output. This object may not be modified if the associated. polL2FilterStatus object is equal to active(1).
               polL2FilterCreationTime timeticks read-only
The value of sysUpTime when this filter was made active(1).
               polL2FilterStatus rowstatus read-only
SMIv2 RowStatus control for this table. Use createAndWait or createAndGo to create a filter, use destroy to remove an entry or notInService to disengage a filter without destroying it. A row in the notReady state has not had all the mandatory objects set.
       polL2Dot1qVlanStaticTable no-access
A table containing hardware specific VLAN behavior configuration information for VLANs created with the dot1qVlanStaticTable. Configuration information for each VLAN configured into the device by (local or network) management.
           polL2Dot1qVlanStaticEntry no-access
An entry containing additional hardware specific objects for a dot1qVlanStaticEntry.
               polL2Dot1qVlanStaticProtocols bits read-only
Specifies the types of traffic that will be forwarded on this VLAN. Protocols not set in this definition will be filtered. The types of protocols supported on this VLAN corresponds to the type option in the CLI command vlan create . If no protocols are specified, all protocols are forwarded. This corresponds to the port-based CLI option. reserved(0) - this bit is reserved and has no defined behavior. bridged-protocols(1) - this VLAN supports all bridged protocols excluding IP and IPX. Includes appletalk(4), dec(5), sna(6), and ipv6(7) if none of these protocols are set. If any are set, only those that are set are included. ip(2) - this VLAN supports IP protocol. ipx(3) - this VLAN supports IPX protocol. appletalk(4) - this VLAN supports Appletalk protocol. dec(5) - this VLAN supports DEC protocol. sna(6) - this VLAN supports SNA protocol. ipv6(7) - this VLAN supports IPv6 protocol. Bits: 'reserved': 0, 'sna': 6, 'bridged-protocols': 1, 'ip': 2, 'appletalk': 4, 'ipv6': 7, 'ipx': 3, 'dec': 5.
               polL2Dot1qVlanStaticL4Bridging truthvalue read-only
If this object has a value of false(2), the L4 Bridging feature is not enabled on this VLAN. If this object has a value of true(1), the L4 Bridging feature is enabled for this VLAN. This corresponds to the CLI command vlan enable l4-bridging.
This module defines a schema to control filters on a device capable of Layer 3 filters also called Access Control Lists (ACLs) and at layer 2. It may also be used to configure static IP routes that use other IP header fields in addition to destination IP address.
The compliance statement for the policyMIB.
The compliance statement for the policyMIB for version 1.1.
The compliance statement for the policyMIB for version 1.2.
The compliance statement for the policyMIB for version 1.3.
A set of managed objects that make up version 1.0 of the SSR Flow Policy MIB.
A set of managed objects that make up version 1.1 of the SSR Flow Policy MIB.
A set of managed objects that make up version 1.2 of the SSR Flow Policy MIB.
A set of managed objects that make up version 1.3 of the SSR Flow Policy MIB.