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Object Name OID Type Access Info
The MIB module for SWITCH chassis entity.
         chassisSerialNumber displaystring read-only
The serial number of the chassis.
         chassisHwId hwidentifier read-only
A version number for the motherboard - first 16 bits is the major number, second 16 bits is the minor number.
         chassisOSVersion displaystring read-only
Software version of the operating system kernel.
         chassisFwVersion displaystring read-only
The chassis firmware version.
         chassisLastChanges counter32 read-only
Counts the number of times the system config file has been written to flash since last reboot.
         chassisBaseMacAddress macaddress read-only
This object is the 6-byte 'base' MAC address for this chassis.
         chassisFanStatus integer read-only
The operational status of fan. 'slowOrStopped' indicates the fan rpm is lower than a minimum required value. Enumeration: 'slowOrStopped': 2, 'normal': 1.
         chassisBoardSerialNumber displaystring read-only
The serial number of the mother board.
         ipAddr ipaddress read-write
The IP address that the device will use after a restart. The device's active IP address can be determined by examining the appropriate instance of the ipAdEntAddr attribute of the MIB-II IP address table.
         ipNetMask ipaddress read-write
The subnet mask that the device will use after a restart. The device's active subnet mask can be determined by examining the appropriate instance of the ipAdEntNetMask attribute of the MIB-II IP address table.
         ipBcastForm integer read-write
The type of IP broadcast address that the device will use after a restart: the Internet standard all-ones broadcast address or the non- standard all zeros broadcast address. The device's active broadcast address type can be determined by examining the appropriate instance of the ipAdEntBcastAddr attribute of the MIB-II IP address table. Enumeration: 'allOnes': 1, 'allZeros': 2.
         ipEncap integer read-write
The type of IP datagram encapsulation that the device will use after a restart: Ethernet or IEEE802.2. The active type of IP datagram encapsulation can be determined by examining the appropriate instance of the ifType attribute of the MIB-II interfaces table entry for the device's Ethernet interface. If the value of that instance of ifType is ethernet-csmacd(6), then the active type of IP datagram encapsulation is Ethernet; if the value of that instance of ifType is iso88023-csmacd(7), then the active type of IP datagram encapsulation is IEEE802.2. Enumeration: 'ethernet': 1, 'ieee8022': 2.
         ipDefaultGateway ipaddress read-write
The default gateway IP address that the device will use after a restart. The device's operational default gateway IP address can be determined by examining the value of the ipRouteNextHop. attribute of the MIB-II IP routing table.
         ipDomainName displaystring read-write
The device's domain name.
         bootFlag integer read-write
Boot flags to define the startup parameters Enumeration: 'bootNetwork': 32, 'bootLoader': 16, 'networkEth0': 64, 'networkEth1': 128, 'runMonitor': 2, 'bootDiag': 48, 'loopPost': 8, 'bootSystem': 0, 'skipPost': 1, 'networkCom0': 192, 'useBackupBoot': 4.
         dramSize unsigned32 read-only
DRAM size in bytes
         cpuVer hwidentifier read-only
Hardware identifier of the processor.
         iscVer hwidentifier read-only
Hardware identifier of the Galileo chip.
         pigVer hwidentifier read-only
Hardware identifier of the PIG chip.
         postVer swversionid read-only
Software version of the POST diagnostic.
         isdVer swversionid read-only
Software version of the ISD diagnostic.
         bootVer swversionid read-only
Software version of the boot prom.
         qmuMemSize unsigned32 read-only
QME memory size
         segBusTable no-access
A table of attributes associated with segBus.
               segBusEntry no-access
A list of attributes associated with a segBus.
                   segBusIndex integer no-access
SegBus number
                   segBusPmiuId hwidentifier read-only
Hardware identifier of the Port Manager Interface Unit (PMIU) chip
                   segBusQmuId hwidentifier read-only
Hardware identifier of the Queue Management Unit (QMU) chip
         snmpIpTrapRcvrTable no-access
A list of entries containing information about network management stations with Ip addresses that are to receive traps generated by this device over UDP.
             snmpIpTrapRcvrEntry no-access
An entry containing information about a single network management station with an Ip address that is to receive traps generated by this device over UDP.
                 snmpIpTrapRcvrIpAddress ipaddress no-access
The Ip address of this trap receiver.
                 snmpIpTrapRcvrPort integer read-only
The UDP port number for the Trap receiver.
                 snmpIpTrapRcvrCommunity displaystring read-only
The community string to be specified in traps sent to this ip trap receiver.
                 snmpIpTrapRcvrStatus rowstatus read-only
This object is used to create or delete entries in the snmpIpTrapRcvrTable.
         snmpUnAuthIpAddr ipaddress read-only
The IP address of the last management station that attempted to access this agent with an invalid community string. This object is used as a variable binding in an Authentication Failure Trap-PDU.
         snmpUnAuthCommunity octet string read-only
The community string specified by the most recent unauthenticated attempt to access this agent. This object is used as a variable binding in an Authentication Failure Trap-PDU.
         consolePortSpeed unsigned32 read-write
The speed of the console port in bits per second.
         consolePortDataBits integer read-write
The console port's number of data bits.
         consolePortStopBits integer read-write
The console port's number of stop bits. Enumeration: 'onePointFive': 3, 'two': 2, 'one': 1.
         consolePortParity integer read-write
The console port's parity setting. Enumeration: 'even': 3, 'none': 1, 'space': 5, 'odd': 2, 'mark': 4.
         eventLogEnable integer read-write
The value of this object indicates whether or not system event logging is currently enabled. Changes to this object take effect immediately. Enumeration: 'disabled': 2, 'enabled': 1.
         eventLogSize unsigned32 read-only
The maximum number of entries retrievable from the system event log. If the value of this object is greater than the value of the eventLogCount object, then only eventLogCount entries have been logged and can be retrieved.
         eventLogCount unsigned32 read-only
The total number of events logged to the system event log. If the value of this object exceeds the value of the eventLogSize object, only the most recent eventLogSize entries can be retrieved. Setting the value of this object to zero clears the device's system event log.
         eventLogTable no-access
A list of system event log entries.
             eventLogEntry no-access
A single system event log entry.
                 eventLogIndex integer no-access
A unique value for each entry in the event log. Its value is between 1 and the minimum of the value of the eventLogSize and eventLogCount objects. The oldest event in the log corresponds to index 1.
                 eventLogTime displaystring read-only
The time (according to the system clock) in human-readable form at which this system event log entry was logged.
                 eventLogDescr displaystring read-only
A human-readable string describing the event represented by this system event log entry.
                 eventLogDetail displaystring read-only
A human-readable string providing more detailed information about the event respresented by this system event log entry.
                 eventLogRawEntry octet string read-only
The first 255 octets of raw, unformatted system event log entry as it appears internally.
         deviceReset integer read-write
The value of this object returned in response to an SNMP Get or Get-Next request is always noOp(1). Changing the value of this object to reset(2) will cause the device to be reset. Enumeration: 'reset': 2, 'noOp': 1.
             tftpServerName hostnameoripaddr read-write
The name of the TFTP server from which to read or write the device's configuration files or from which to read a firmware image. The value of this object can be a fully- or partially-qualified domain name system (dns) name, or it can be an ip address in the familiar 'dotted-quad' notation. If the value of this object is a fully- or partially-qualified dns name, the device will attempt to use the Domain Name System to convert the name to an ip address before initiating a transaction with this TFTP server. This object may be set only if tftpAdminStatus has the value 'configure'.
             tftpUserName octet string read-write
The user name that makes the TFTP request. This object may be set only if tftpAdminStatus has the value 'configure'.
             tftpRemoteFileName octet string read-write
The file name of the file on the remote TFTP server. This object may be set only if tftpAdminStatus has the value 'configure'.
             tftpLocalFileName octet string read-write
The local file name of the file which is copied to or from the remote server. If this string is a 0 length string, then the value of tftpRemoteFileName shall also be used as the local file name. This object may be set only if tftpAdminStatus has the value 'configure'.
             tftpOperation integer read-write
When tftpOperation has the value putFile(1) when tftpAdminStatus is set to 'execute', the device attempts to copy the file identified by tftpLocalFileName to the file tfptRemoteFileName. When tftpOperation has the value getFile(2) when tftpAdminStatus is set to 'execute', the device attempts to copy the file identified by tftpRemoteFileName on the remote tftp server to the file identified by tftpLocalFileName. When tftpOperation has the value getFirmware(3) when tftpAdminStatus is set to 'execute', the device attempts to replace its firmware image with the file identified by tftpRemoteFileName. This firmware file will be used the next time the system is reset. When tftpOperation has the value putConfig(1) when tftpAdminStatus is set to 'execute', the device attempts to copy the file identified by tftpLocalFileName to the file tfptRemoteFileName. When tftpOperation has the value getConfig(2) when tftpAdminStatus is set to 'execute', the device attempts to copy the file identified by tftpRemoteFileName on the remote tftp server to the file identified by tftpLocalFileName. Enumeration: 'getFile': 2, 'putFile': 1, 'getFirmware': 3.
             tftpAdminState integer read-write
This object is used to initiate a file transfer using the TFTP protocol between the local system and a remote TFTP server identified by tftpServerAddr. The file name on the remote server is identified by tftpRemoteFileName and the local file name is identified by tftpLocalFileName. The tftp operation is identified by the valu of tftpOperation. The objects tftpServerName, tftpUserName, tftpLocalFileName, tftpRemoteFileName, and tftpOperation may only be set when tftpAdminState has the value 'configure'. When tftpAdminState is set to 'execute', the operation identified by tftpOperation shall be started and the state of the operation is reflected in tftpOperationState. Setting this attribute to 'execute' when tftpOperationState is not 'inactive' has no effect on the operational state. Under normal operation tftpAdminState should only be set to 'configure' if tftpOperationState is not 'executing'. If tftpOperationState is 'executing' then the system may attempt to abort the current opertion and change the operation state to 'inactive' or not permitting the set to occur by returning the snmp error 'inconsistentValue'. Enumeration: 'execute': 2, 'configure': 1.
             tftpOperationState integer read-only
The value 'executing' reflects a transition of tftpAdminState from 'configure' to 'execute'. In the 'executing' state, the TFTP operation identified by the value of tftpOperation shall begin with the values for the objects tftpServerName, tftpUserName, tftpRemoteFileName, and tftpLocalFileName. When the TFTP operation has completed successfully, the value of tftpOperation shall be set to 'succeeded'. If the operation failed, the value shall be set to one of 'localFileProblem', 'unknownHost', 'timedOut', 'remoteFileProblem', or 'otherFailure'. Any state transition shall result in setting the tftpOperationStateChange object. Enumeration: 'succeeded': 3, 'unknownHost': 5, 'timedOut': 6, 'remoteFileProblem': 7, 'executing': 2, 'inactive': 1, 'localFileProblem': 4, 'otherFailure': 8.
             tftpOperationStateChange timestamp read-only
This is the value of sysUpTime when the value of tftpOperationState changes.
             tftpErrorMessage displaystring read-only
An error message giving a brief description of the error if the tftpOperation did not succeed.