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Object Name OID Type Access Info
         ddsMIBversion displaystring read-only
Identifies the version of the MIB. The format of the version is x.yzT, where 'x' identifies the major revision number, 'y'identifies the minor revision number, 'z' identifies the typographical revision, and T identifies the test revision. Acceptable values for the individual revision components are as follows x: 1 - 9 y: 0 - 9 z: 0 - 9 T: A - Z Upon formal release, no designation for the test revision will be present.
         ddsLineCfgTable no-access
The GDC DDS Line Configuration table. Information in the entries of this table defines the configuration of DDS Line.
             ddsLineCfgEntry no-access
The GDC DDS Line Configuration Table Entry. The information in this entry defines the configuration for the Line of the associated DDS equipment.
                 ddsLineCfgIndex scinstance read-only
The index value that uniquely identifies the line interface to which this entry is applicable. This has the form of a SCinstance that defines the slot, line, drop, and sub-identifier, which in this case is the DDS Line.
                 ddsLineType integer read-write
Identifies the type of line. The value dds1(1) defines the line type as a conventional DDS. The value ddsSc(2) defines the line type as a DDS line with secondary channel. The value clearChannel(3) indicates that the line type is 64K Clear Channel. The value auto(4) indicates that automatic line detection is in progress. Once the line type has been detected, the object reports enumeration (1),(2), or (3). Enumeration: 'ddsSc': 2, 'clearChannel': 3, 'dds1': 1, 'auto': 4.
                 ddsAutoDataRateDetect integer read-only
The value autoAsync(11) and autoSync(12) indicates that automatic data rate detection for async or sync communications is in progress. Once the data rate has been detected, this object reports the circuit data rate. Enumeration: 'sync64000': 10, 'autoSync': 12, 'autoAsync': 11, 'sync56000': 9, 'sync2400': 2, 'async9600': 5, 'async4800': 3, 'sync4800': 4, 'sync19200': 8, 'sync9600': 6, 'async19200': 7, 'async2400': 1.
                 ddsDataRate integer read-write
The DSU data rate option. This object is used to choose the operational data rate of the DSU. The two choices autoAsync(11) and autoSync(12) allow the DSU to automatically determine the circuit speed and set the data rate accordingly. Similarities in DDS line coding of 56k DDS/SC and 64k Clear Channel require the user to select sync64000(10) implicitly if 64kbps data rate is required. Enumeration: 'sync64000': 10, 'autoSync': 12, 'autoAsync': 11, 'sync56000': 9, 'sync2400': 2, 'async9600': 5, 'async4800': 3, 'sync4800': 4, 'sync19200': 8, 'sync9600': 6, 'async19200': 7, 'async2400': 1.
                 ddsTxClockSource integer read-write
The DSU transmit clock source option. This is the selection for the transmitter timing clock source. If connecting to a DDS circuit the value of receive(1) must be selected. Enumeration: 'receive': 1, 'internal': 2, 'external': 3.
                 ddsZeroEncodingCfg integer read-write
The DSU zero encoding option. This option, for point to point 56k DDS secondary channel circuits, allows the DTE equipment to transmit all '0' octets without violating the ones density requirements of DDS. This option is a GDC only feature and must be set to disable when coexisting with DSU equipment from other providers. Both local and remote DSU's must be set to the same value. The zero encoding feature is not applicable for any of the other data rates or line types. Enumeration: 'enable': 1, 'disable': 2.
                 ddsDefaultConfig integer read-write
The DSU default config option. When the value defaultCfg(2), is selected, the memory of the dataset will be erased, and the DSU configuration will be returned to factory defaults. Enumeration: 'noChange': 1, 'defaultCfg': 2.
         ddsDteCfgTable no-access
The DDS DTE Configuration Table. Entries in this table pertain to the DTE interface, regardless of the operating mode (sync/async).
             ddsDteCfgEntry no-access
The GDC DTE Configuration Table Entry. The information in this entry defines the configuration for the associated DTE.
                 ddsDteCfgIndex scinstance read-only
An entry in the GDC DDS DTE Configuration Table.
                 ddsDteExtBuffClk integer read-write
The DSU transmit buffer option. An optional elastic transmit buffer is inserted into the data path when a value of external(2) is selected. This elastic buffer maintains network synchronization when an external frequency locked clock source is driven into the external transmit clock input on the DTE interface. Opposing phase relationships between the external transmit clock and network clock are compensated for by this buffer. No buffering is performed when this object is internal(1). If the transmitter timing is set to external, this object must be set to external(2). Enumeration: 'internal': 1, 'external': 2.
                 ddsDteCfgTxCarrier integer read-write
The Transmit Carrier option. This is feature allows the DTE equipment to directly control the transmitter carrier via signals on the RTS circuit. Typically, it is set to switched(2) in remote DSU multidrop applications. The Transmit Carrier constant(1) is used in point-to-point applications and also in master multipoint applications. When the value of the ddsDataRate is sync64000(10), the value of this object is constant(1). When this object is constant(1), RTS and CTS are forced on internally. Enumeration: 'constant': 1, 'switched': 2.
                 ddsDteCfgRxCarrier integer read-write
The Receive Carrier option. This option controls the operation of DCD. It is set to constant for multipoint remote and point to point applications. Switched(2) is used for master multipoint configurations. When the value of the ddsDataRate is sync64000(10), the receive carrier option is forced to constant(1) with DCD forced On. Enumeration: 'constant': 1, 'switched': 2.
                 ddsDteCfgCtsDelay integer read-write
The CTS delay option. Cts delay option of ctsOn(1) forces both RTS and CTS On regardless of the state of the attached business equipment. The CTS delay option provides a variable delay between RTS and CTS on transitions. The delays of 0msec, 3 character, 30msec, 60msec, and 90msec are selectable. Enumeration: 'ctsOn': 1, 'cts0mSec': 3, 'cts30mSec': 4, 'ctsFixed3Char': 2, 'cts90mSec': 6, 'cts60mSec': 5.
                 ddsDteCfgLocalDSR integer read-write
The DSR option. This option controls the operation of DSR. When forceOn(2) is selected, DSR is normally on, if set for followsDTR(1) then DSR is on only when DTR is on. Enumeration: 'forcedOn': 2, 'followsDTR': 1.
                 ddsDteCfgAnaloopDSR integer read-write
The DSR in Line Loopback (Analoop) option. This option controls DSR during a Line Loopback test. When Line Loopback is active and the ddsDteCfgAnaloopDSR object is off(1), a DSR off indication is output to the DTE interface. When normal(2), the state of DSR responds in accodance with the ddsDteCfgLocalDSR object. Enumeration: 'off': 1, 'normal': 2.
                 ddsDteCfgAasStatus integer read-write
The Auto-anti Streaming option. A value of enable(1) means that the primary channel DSU transmitter is forced OFF (idle) if the business equipment's (DTE) RTS lead remains on for more than the value of the ddsDteCfgAasTimer. Streaming is cleared when the DTE's RTS interface lead turns OFF and remains OFF for at least 500msec. Enumeration: 'enable': 2, 'disable': 1.
                 ddsDteCfgAasTimer integer read-write
The Auto Anti-Streaming Timer monitor RTS. If RTS remains On for more then the selected time and ddsDteCfgAasStatus is selected for enable(1), the DSU forces Off its primary channel transmitter and turns off CTS. Enumeration: 'sec10': 2, 'sec45': 4, 'sec5': 1, 'sec30': 3.
                 ddsDteCfgCircuitAssurance integer read-write
The Circuit Assurance option. The enable(2) configures the DSU to clamp CTS upon receiving the following Network codes: 1. IDLE(no DCD) 2. Out of Service Code (OOS) 3. Abnormal Station Code (ASC) 4. No Signal(not a network code) 5. other inactive channel codes (ICC) When the value of this object is disable(1) no action occurs for any of the above network conditions. Enumeration: 'enable': 2, 'disable': 1.
                 ddsDteCfgSystemStatus integer read-write
The System Status option enable(2) configures the DSU to clamp DSR upon receiving the following Network codes: 1. Out of Service Code (OOS) 2. Abnormal Station Code (ASC) 3. No Signal(not a network code) 4. other inactive channel codes (ICC) When the value of this object is disable(1) no action occurs for any of the above network conditions. Enumeration: 'enable': 2, 'disable': 1.
                 ddsDteCfgTermaloop integer read-write
The Loopback Termination Mode. The enable(1) object stops the DSU from looping the DDS network interface while a local loopback is in progress. When the value of this object is disable(2) the DDS network service is looped back to itself during a local loopback test. Enumeration: 'enable': 1, 'disable': 2.
         ddsDteAsyncCfgTable no-access
The Asynchronous Configuration table. Information in the entries of this table define the configuration of the DTE interface associated with the DDS device. The entries in this table are applicable only if the ddsDataRate object maintains an asynchronous configuration.
             ddsDteAsyncCfgEntry no-access
The Asynchronous Configuration Table Entry. The information in this entry defines the configuration of the DTE interface.
                 ddsDteAsyncCfgIndex scinstance read-only
The index value which uniquely identifies the DTE interface to which this entry is applicable. Values for this object have the form of an SCinstance which defines the slot, line, drop, and sub-identifier, which in this case is the DTE interface.
                 ddsDteAsyncRateAdapt integer read-write
The Async rate adaption object. The speed relationship between DDS circuit and DTE interface when configured for async communication is defined here. The none(1) value maintains a one to one speed relationship between the DDS circuit and DTE interface. A value of halfLineRate(2) means that the DTE speed is equal to one half the DDS circuit rate. A value of quarterLineRate(3) means that only one fourth the DDS circuit rate will be available at the DTE interface. If the DTE speed required is 1800 bps, then the provisioned DDS circuit must be 2400 DDS or DDS with secondary channel and the enumeration (4) object specified. Enumeration: 'none': 1, 'quarterLineRate': 3, 'from1800to2400LineRate': 4, 'halfLineRate': 2.
                 ddsDteAsyncRxDelay integer read-write
When long(2) is selected, a 40 bit buffer in the receive data path is inserted. This buffer is used to filter out EOT. If ddsDteAsyncTxEOTcfg, and ddsDteAsyncRxEOTcfg are enabled, the object long(2) is required. The short(1) enumeration may be used only if the EOT signal scheme is not in use. Enumeration: 'short': 1, 'long': 2.
                 ddsDteAsyncTxEOTcfg integer read-write
The configuration of the Transmit End-of-Text. The value enable(1) means that End-of-Text (EOT) will be transmitted. The value disable(2) inhibits EOT transmission. If enable(1), the unit will insert EOT into the data stream when it is finished. Enumeration: 'enable': 1, 'disable': 2.
                 ddsDteAsyncRxEOTcfg integer read-write
The configuration of the Receive End-of-Text. The value enable(1) means that the unit will expect End-of-Text (EOT) and remove it from the data stream. The value disable(2) means that the unit should not monitor the data stream for EOT. Enumeration: 'enable': 1, 'disable': 2.
                 ddsDteAsyncOverSpeed integer read-write
This option is used to determine the amount of asynchronous overspeed the DSU tolerates. The overSpeed1 indicates that the DSU will accept incomming async data that is up to 1% faster than the configured data rate. The overSpeed2point3 will allow up to 2.3% of DTE overspeed. Enumeration: 'overSpeed2point3': 2, 'overSpeed1': 1.
                 ddsDteAsyncCharacterSize integer read-write
This option selects the Asynchronous word size. The available settings are: 1) 8 bits/character. 2) 9 bits/character. 3) 10 bits/character. 4) 11 bits/character. The character includes start and stop bits. Enumeration: 'bits9': 3, 'bits11': 1, 'bits10': 2, 'bits8': 4.
         ddsDteStatusTable no-access
The DDS DTE Configuration Table. This entry pertains to the DTE interface.
             ddsDteStatusEntry no-access
The GDC DTE Configuration Table Entry. This entry defines the configuration for the associated DTE.
                 ddsDteStatusIndex scinstance read-only
An entry in the GDC DDS DTE Configuration Table.
                 ddsDteStatus octet string read-only
Returns a bitwise snapshot of the DTE signals. Octet 1 bit 7 - not used bit 6 - CTS (1:ON; 0:OFF) bit 5 - RTS (1:ON; 0:OFF) bit 4 - DTR (1:ON; 0:OFF) bit 3 - DSR (1:ON; 0:OFF) bit 2 - NO SIGNAL(NS) (1:ON; 0:OFF) bit 1 - DCD (1:ON; 0:OFF) bit 0 - DTP (1:ON; 0:OFF) Octet 2 bit 7 - not used bit 6 - DSP (1:ON; 0:OFF) bit 5 - DCD (1:Transitions 0:OFF) bit 4 - RTS (1:Transitions 0:OFF) bit 3 - CTS (1:Transitions 0:OFF) bit 2 - RXD (1:Transitions 0:OFF) bit 1 - TXC External (1:Trans 0:OFF) bit 0 - TXD (1:Transitions 0:OFF) Octet 3 bit 7 - not used bit 6 - Internal Test Pattern (1:ON; 0:OFF) bit 5 - \ (100:STC loop) bit 4 - > Test Modes (010:DataLoop) bit 3 - / (001:Analoop) bit 2 - Dataset Inhibit (1:active) bit 1 - Dataset Streaming Inhibit (1:active) bit 0 - Auto Anti-Streaming (1:Enabled) Octet 4 bit 7 - not used bit 6 - Diagnostic RTS (1:ON; 0:OFF) bit 5 - Test Inhibit (1:active ) bit 4 - Inactive Channel Code (1:ON; 0:OFF) bit 3 - LPDA Active (1:ON; 0:OFF) bit 2 - DBU Active (1:ON; 0:OFF) bit 1 - Front Panel Test Switch (1:Enabled ) bit 0 - Front Panel Test Switch Active (1:ON )