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Download standard MIB format if you are planning to load a MIB file into some system (OS, Zabbix, PRTG ...) or view it with a MIB browser. CSV is more suitable for analyzing and viewing OID' and other MIB objects in excel. JSON and YAML formats are usually used in programing even though some systems can use MIB in YAML format (like Logstash).
Keep in mind that standard MIB files can be successfully loaded by systems and programs only if all the required MIB's from the "Imports" section are already loaded.
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Object Name OID Type Access Info
This MIB is for copying a source URI to a destination URI. A URI specifies the location of a local file, network file, running-config or startup-config. The resources specified by the URIs are copied from/to Arista devices. Currently supported URI schemes include: file, flash, extension, system, ftp, http, https and tftp.
     aristaConfigCopyCommandTable no-access
A table of copy requests. Each row corresponds to a copy request. The completed rows are accessible for status retrival for a certain peroid of time and then will be gradually aged out by the agent.
         aristaConfigCopyCommandEntry no-access
A copy request. A management station should generate a unique ID and name (as the index) for each copy request. This prevents multiple management stations or applications from using same index and causing conflicts in same row. After an unique index is generated, the management station could create a row with that index and setup a copy request. Once a copy request is setup correctly with both source and destination URIs, it can be queued by setting the row status to active. The row creation, copy request setup and row activation can be done in one or multiple SET requests. The status of the copy request may change after the request is queued. It can be retrieved at any time before the request is aged out by the agent.
             aristaConfigCopyName displaystring no-access
The name of a copy request. It is chosen by the management station and should be unique so that two management stations or applications do not cause conflicts in same row.
             aristaConfigCopyId unsigned32 no-access
The ID of a copy request. It is chosen by the management station and should be unique. One way to generate such a unique intenger is through the TestAndIncr mechanism (in SNMPv2-TC).
             aristaConfigCopySourceUri displaystring read-only
The source URI of a copy request. The URI format is: scheme://[username:password@]host/path Supported URI schemes are: file, flash, extension, system, ftp, http, https and tftp. username and password may be required for a network URI scheme (e.g. ftp). For convenience, two aliases are supported: startup-config -> flash://startup-config running-config -> system://running-config
             aristaConfigCopyDestUri displaystring read-only
The destination URI of a copy request. It has the same format as the source URI.
             aristaConfigCopyState configcopystate read-only
The state of a copy request.
             aristaConfigCopyTimeout unsigned32 read-only
The maximum number of seconds a copy request could run. If the copy request is not completed in such amount of time, it will be terminated and marked as failed with a failure cause of timeout. The time taken by a copy request varies by the source and/ or destination file size, network condition, system load, etc. A reasonable timeout should be chosen so that a stuck or run-away copy request could be terminated, but a normal copy request could complete.
             aristaConfigCopyTimeStarted dateandtime read-only
The time when a copy request was started.
             aristaConfigCopyTimeCompleted dateandtime read-only
The time when a copy request was completed.
             aristaConfigCopyFailureCause configcopyfailurecause read-only
The cause of a failed copy request.
             aristaConfigCopyFailureMessage displaystring read-only
The details of a failed copy request.
             aristaConfigCopyRowStatus rowstatus read-only
The row status of a copy request. A new copy request is instantiated by creating a new row. An existing copy request is queued by activating a row, or cancelled by destroying a row.
The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement the ARISTA-CONFIG-COPY-MIB.
The collection of objects in the ARISTA-CONFIG-COPY-MIB.